We all had to start somewhere, and Vaygah is a self taught learner when it comes to … well, everything really! All the endless hours of research and tutorials that are scattered or outdated throughout the masses of the internet are not easy to track down and sometimes aren’t even related to what you’re trying to learn. Sometimes, the biggest hurdle you can have is just knowing the workflow or which order to do things in ;). That being said. As promised and as Vaygah wished, there will be tutorials here for you to learn as she learns and masters what she is doing. It’s hard to bounce around back and forth and get mixed messages about what’s working and what isn’t. Hopefully, Vaygah can be of assistance and help you understand creating in Second Life a little bit more. At least when it comes to stuff she knows how to do! Check back here often or subscribe to stay up to date on when new tutorials will be released!