Hi Pinky Pie!
I had a survey in July of 2024 so that I could make an informed decision to move forward with Pink Cream Pie.
I had to consider everywhere that I can save time as my children (10 and 6 now at the time of writing this) continue to grow and require a lot more attention. Some of you may not know, but I homeschool them both and having enough hours in the day has always been an ongoing issue. It’s no news that rigging takes a lot of work. Therefore I want to ensure that I’m providing for the bodies that are still in use and tapering off on those that are not as in demand for my particular brand.
Based on the responses and endless verification of those who took the survey, I have decided that it is in the best interest of my business and my family to move forward supporting LaraX, PetiteX and eBody Reborn at this time. Thank you for understanding the need to prioritize RL and my children over body support.
Mesh Body Survey Results from July 2024
LaraX – 50.8%
Reborn – 30.2%
PetiteX – 11.3%
Legacy – 7.7%

Your opinions and thoughts are very valuable to me and I appreciate the time you took to fill out the survey.
Thank you so much!
♥ Vay
When it says MAITREYA LARAX under the pie chart does that mean you will be keeping regular Maitreya, LaraX and petitex?
Yes, I am keeping LaraX and PetiteX
I am sorry to see that you are dropping Legacy from your store, I do understand that RL comes first… still, am not so sure I agree with your small survey regarding the Legacy body. I came to your store because I was told that it was a great place to buy quality clothing for my shape.
Good luck with your store, I wish you all the best in the future, for your SL and IRL