Group Gifts
Pink Cream Pie
a virtual fashion brand in Second Life founded in 2016 by Vaygah Varriale.

Pink Cream Pie creates virtual 3D mesh clothing in the metaverse game Second Life. The clothing and vision is created by Vaygah Varriale. I have a lovely team that helps me with customer service and keeps me informed of any trouble the pie guys are making around the store. My style varies but I like to think that if I had a category for the kind of fashion you’ll find, it would be that “girl next door” look. You’ll find virtual clothing that you can wear while dancing, shopping, swimming or sleeping! I’ve also created many seasonal outfits perfect for Halloween or Christmas celebrations.
But why the name Pink Cream Pie?
That’s an excellent question and one that I’ve gotten many times over the years. I’ve given many varying answers over time. Maybe I just like pie. Perhaps pink is my favorite color. One could never deny that I just have a super silly sense of humor. Truly, I may just have a deep desire to change the stigma and what you would see while googling such a term.
But the truth is…
The journey began years ago in 2016 as a group of ladies huddled together dancing in sync to music all while happening to wear shades of pink. As we laughed and made jokes about our little posse and girl group, I made my first group in Second Life, “Pink Cream Pie”. I made the group so we could all have the tag “Lick My Cream Pie”. We all proudly sported the silly obnoxious title above our heads and laughed until we cried at how ridiculous we were. Shortly after, I began considering what I would call my brand for clothing. My aunt suggested to me that I use my Pink Cream Pie group. We both had to agree, it was perfect. A name that truly encapsulates the silliness and fun I like to have. Not to mention it’s perfect alliteration and the awkward funny conversations that would come to pass. Over time, through side splitting laughs and silliness, the brand name became to us what the Pink Ladies was to Rizzo and Frenchy.

It didn’t take long before the group began to grow into more silliness and fun as I, Vaygah, began creating gestures that truly captured the silliness that ensued on a nightly basis between good friends. I have always had a natural drive to create and find a way to support my family and soon that passion morphed into creating clothing. I saw an opportunity and poured many countless hours, days and years into learning how to create the best mesh clothing I could bring to Second Life. Pink Cream Pie continues to grow as I draw inspiration from many close friends and family members. Thank you most of all to my customers, the Pinky Pies, and friends which none of this would be possible without their continued support and encouragement! Especially during times of heart ache and trouble in my 1st life.
I am actively creating and currently supporting the brands Maitreya LaraX, PetiteX and eBody Reborn. You can look on each ad for the clothing to see if your body is supported or sized for that item. The mesh bodies that I support vary depending on the demand and statistics I get from my customers.
Pinky Pies are best covered in lots of sugar
Vaygah Varriale
Sure, all the clothes are created with love and are great but joining the group is where the real perks are! You can stay up to date in world as sales and new releases come out and cash in on special events and group exclusive spoils.
So what’s it take to be a pinky pie? Technically speaking it only takes L$314 to join the VIP group. But so long as you have a love for pink and a love for pie, puns and virtual clothing, you are welcome here ♥ There are many benefits to being a VIP. Check out some of them below!
- 10% Store Credit on Purchases with Group Tag Active
- Monthly Group Gifts since 2016!
- L$100 Credit every month at the front desk!
- Pinky Pie VIP Only Advent Calendar every Christmas
- Exclusive Lucky Boards
- Occasional giveaways!
- A fun tag to display over your head!
Come to the store and join the fun, you know you want to!

For more information please visit the FAQ
For a full list of what is currently for sale, please visit the marketplace or visit Pink Cream Pie in world.